Manage Shareholders

Configure your shareholders, manage cap table

Efficiently managing your shareholders is pivotal to maintaining transparent communications, upholding shareholder rights, and ensuring compliance with financial regulations. This guide outlines the process for adding, updating, and removing shareholders, along with providing them with access to relevant information on the platform.

Shareholder Types

  • Individuals: Private investors who own shares personally.
  • Companies: Corporate entities or institutions that invest in shares. This category includes investment funds and other businesses.
  • Pools: Designated allotment of shares set aside by a company. For more details check Glossary: Key Terms Explained

Shareholders Management Page

Access the Shareholders Management Page:

  1. From the left side main navigation menu select Shareholders under the Management section
  2. The page contains table with grouped types of shareholders and information about each shareholder:
    • Name – shareholder name
    • Quantity – shareholder shares quantity
    • Asset Class – the type of the asset that the shareholder owns
    • Actions – edit, delete

Adding New Shareholder

  1. Click Add Shareholder
  2. Fill the details about the shareholder you want to add – name, shareholder type, asset class, quantity. For pool configuration follow Manage Pools
  3. Submit form

Updating Shareholder

From the actions column, select Edit icon – edit.

Opens a form allowing you to change the name and shareholder’s shares quantity.

Deleting Shareholder

From the actions column, select Delete icon  delete.

❗Deleting shareholder frees shares quantity. Depending on your country regulations, you may need to distribute freed shares across other shareholders or pools.


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